有2022年的招聘计划吗?可行的可以帮助您招聘。逛一圈of Workable!


十月的招聘脉搏,我们写道,与招聘,保留和整体业务相比,我们更处于“新时代”而不是“疯狂的时期”。大戒烟 - 及其所有相关现象,包括罢工- 在过去的几个月中,广告已被覆盖。

Hiring Pulse

但是您真正想知道的是:这对您的招聘意味着什么?作为SMB,您只想填补所需的角色,并快速填补(顺便说一句,好消息 - 继续阅读)。

We know that data trends are important to you when recruiting in the SMB world. You and your hiring team want to know whether the trends you’re seeing in your own processes are ‘normal’. Because there’s no real ‘normal’ anymore, we’re moving away from traditional year-over-year and month-over-month data analysis and instead taking a fresh approach so you can make the most informed decisions as an SMB employer when assessing your own data.


Remember, we’re looking at trends here. This means we’re showing data as a percentage increase or decrease when compared with the average of the three months previous. Jump to the end for a detailed methodology of how we’re doing this.


  1. 是时候填补了(TTF)
  2. Total Job Openings
  3. 候选人每份雇用(CPH)

和we dive deeper by looking at the data in five broad regions to see how the data differs in each. Now, let’s get into the numbers.


This is part of a series of monthly hiring trend reports for SMBs that go out on the first Tuesday of every month. Sign up for our newsletter for regular updates!





  • 是时候填补了is still dropping sharply despite SMB employers saying they’re having problems finding candidates
  • 职位空缺继续升入第四季度 -as predicted in a recent Manpower report
  • SMBs in Latin America are having a strikingly different experience than the four other major economic regions when it comes to hiring

1. Time to Fill


*可能 *可以解释最近几个月的一些下降趋势,尤其是对于9月在9月份开业和填补的工作 - 但这仍然不是唯一的因素。

Let’s look at the trend graph for overall Time to Fill up to and including the month of September.


请注意2021年8月的TTF趋势极为负面(a)-19.2% shift与5月至6月至7月的平均值相比-29.6%in September 2021 compared with the June-July-August average.

这很有趣,不是吗?就在您认为它的底层时,这个指标只是不断向下趋势。TTF连续四个月一直在负面趋势,可以追溯到6月 - 最近九个月中的七个。雇主现在越来越快地雇用。

Good news? Sure, let’s look at it that way. There are two reasons why it could be good:

First, and perhaps obviously,employers are succeeding in finding – and hiring – the right candidates for their open roles, at a torrid pace.这确实与流行和合法的叙述形成鲜明对比企业很难找到人, though. That deserves a more in-depth discussion elsewhere, so let’s set it aside for now.

第二,最大的候选人抓地力之一 -例如,在reddit上- 他们认为是一个过长的招聘过程。因此,较短的TTF也可以看作对候选人也有好处。


Total job openings represent the total number of job openings activated across the entire Workable network.



上个月,we pointed out the modest uptick in job opening trends in September 2021. We’re seeing the same for October 2021, with another 4% increase, after a 4.4% growth in job opening trends in September.

一些洞察力增加了:在美国,我们刚刚看到a huge upturn in payroll for October自从大流行以来,失业率以新的最低水平胜过了先前的期望。和quit rates were still surging as of September- 直到稍后,我们才能从美国劳工部看到十月的数据。但是更有可能的是,过去两个月的趋势只是偏向8月的2.4%趋势,这是2021年任何一个月中最低的趋势。

Still, it’s clear: while there’s reason for optimism,这一切都显示出就业市场的大量波动。老实说,不是SMB雇主想要看到的。他们宁愿雇用合适的人并让他们坚持下去。


Workable defines the number of candidates per hire (CPH) as, succinctly, the number of applicants for a job up to the point of that job being filled. Let’s look at what’s going on in the numbers through September:


(NOTE: Again, as in the TTF chart, you’re probably wondering why we stopped the numbers in September. Again, as stated above, that’s because these data are based on the time the job was opened, not when it was filled.)

上个月,we pointed to the sharp drop in the CPH trend – but there’s modest recovery in that area. September 2021’s the drop in CPH actually slowed down from a 2021 low of-19.8%to-15.5%.

Regardless, CPH is still trending downwards – just not nearly as much as before.

What’s going on here?





因此,SMB雇主受益:他们获得了更多合格的申请人的集中池,从而获得了公开工作 - 因此,招聘成为从工作开放到工作的更快的过程。

4. Regional metrics



  • Asia-Pacific (APAC)
  • Europe-Middle East-Africa (EMEA)
  • 拉丁美洲(拉坦)
  • North America (NA)
  • UK & Ireland (UK&I)


First, let’s have a look at Time to Fill:


This one’s interesting – we see a lot of differences across regions especially in March 2020, during the last quarter of 2020, and the first part of 2021, all coinciding with massive spikes in COVID cases for each of the time periods in different areas.


There’s one significant outlier though: the Latin America group, which has a much less pronounced drop in Time to Fill (-17.7%)than the other four regions (-29%至-31.4%)。Keep that in mind as we move to the next metric.

Total Job Openings





其次,英国和爱尔兰在2021年9月开放了工作的显着上升趋势(16.5%)在升级之前0.1%for October.




雇用脉搏:候选人每份雇用by region


For instance, UK & Ireland saw consistently negative trends in every single month dating back to August 2020 – with the tiny exception of December 2020 where it nosed above the surface to.8%before going under again.



Latin America, again, stands out – where the other four regions stayed negative, LATAM businesses saw a sharp6.5%increase in the CPH trend compared with the previous three-month average, the only one of the five to see a positive upward trend in that metric.

Does this mean more people are looking for work there and找不到足够的?也许 - 特别是dismal news out of Brazil, LATAM’s largest economy, of a faltering economic landscape and predictions of a recession in 2022.


上个月,我们预测that once reliable data for September became available, we would see it as a catalytic month as a result of children returning to school, a shortage of childcare workers in the U.S., and potential economic fallout coming from the Delta variant.

我们没有看到三角洲的后果 - 实际上,由于三角洲已经在减弱 - 但仍然有fears of a resurgence of the virus由于冬季季节性,疫苗接种的免疫力降低,并且根据华盛顿的卫生指标和评估研究所(IHME)的数据,总体流动性增加。

话虽如此,TTF指标正在减少,工作的开放正在上升 - 我们看到CPH的下降速度较小。这是最后一个指标是否意味着人们在辞职期间辞职后开始再次寻找工作?也许,也许不是. Regardless, SMB employers are still very worried.

一件事很明显 - 不同的地区看到了影响雇用的不同趋势。值得记住的是,尤其是如果您是国际雇主或全球招聘.

和no matter where you are, it’s always worth thinking about your ideal candidate profile, fine-tuning your招聘营销策略, and really targeting those candidates so you can stay ahead of the trends.


The Hiring Pulse: Methodology

To bring the best insights to small and medium businesses worldwide, here’s what we’re doing with our data: when looking at a specific month’s trend, we’re taking the numbers from that month and comparing it to the average of the three previous months – and showing as a percentage how that month looks in comparison.

For example, if July shows an average Time to Fill of 30 days for all jobs, and the monthly average for the three preceding months (April, May, June) is 25 days, we present the result for July as a 20% increase.



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