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An Equal Opportunity Employer is an organization that agrees not to discriminate against any employee or job applicant because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, physical or mental disability, or age. In other words, an Equal Employment Opportunity is given to everyone when they’re considered for various employment decisions and receive fair, unbiased treatment in the workplace.

EEO guidelines: How to be an equal opportunity employer

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) refers to fair, unbiased treatment in the workplace. Employers are prohibited from discriminating against existing or potential employees based on protected characteristics, including:

  • 种族 /颜色
  • 国籍 /民族
  • Religion
  • 年龄
  • 性 /性别 /性取向
  • 病史



  • 1964年《民权法》第七章(第七章)
  • The Equal Pay Act of 1963 (EPA)
  • The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA)
  • 1990年《美国残疾人法》的标题(ADA)
  • 2008年的《遗传信息非歧视法》(GINA)


有关什么是平等机会雇主的更多详细信息,请阅读我们的EEO definitionand learn the obligations and the exceptions that might impact your business.


Navigate local and international regulation - including GDPR and EEOC/OFCCP - with automated tools and reports that take the effort out of compliance, wherever you’re hiring.



One of the regulations you need to comply with once your teams grow – and, at the same time, one of the biggest pain points HR departments in the US have to face – is the dreaded EEO-1 report.


提交EEO-1报告可能会使人力资源团队和雇主感到头疼,因为他们需要准确收集和报告就业数据。任何错误都可能导致罚款甚至更严重的法律麻烦(例如监禁)。在开始填写报告之前,在截止日期到期之前,请检查我们的详细指南以了解您是否是否need to submit an EEO-1 reportand how to do it. It might also be useful to take a look at thisEEO类别的底漆了解不同的工作分类。

Complying with EEOC

尽管均等机会法的目的可能很明确,但您需要遵循的要求以及您需要设定的行动计划可能并不总是如此。误解,不准确或与常规程序的小偏差可能会给您带来EEO投诉。另外,您处理此投诉的方式至关重要,因为它可能会变成诉讼。为了帮助您避免法律后果,我们探索了公司时公司犯的六个最常见的错误facing EEOC charges- 而您应该做什么。

因为很难跟踪所有就业信息,因为您的团队扩展了所有就业信息,所以我们在内部可行的工具来帮助您进行此过程。通过启用'EEO/OFCCP Survey and Reporting’功能,您可以信心始终如一地捕获所有重要数据,包括取消资格。您还将有一个详细的合规性(EEO)报告at hand.





However, an equal opportunity employment statement is not a guarantee of an unbiased work environment. This is something that should be reflected in every process you have before, during and after you hire employees; in other words, if you’re talking the talk, you need to walk the walk.

The importance of being an equal opportunity employer


Is it the right thing to do or are there any business gains? Both. The equal opportunity employer meaning is deep. Yes, not discriminating against employees is the right thing to do, but not from a philanthropic perspective. Our societies consist of people with disabilities, people of different color or nationality, people of different gender and age. These characteristics have nothing to do with their ability to do a job. So, it’s our responsibility as employers to give equal chances to everyone: fair treatment during the hiring process, objective evaluations and rewards, equal pay.

但是,当企业采用平等机会就业惯例时,企业也有一些胜利。作为Matt Alder put it:


与同质团队相比,不同的团体更成功,因为它们在桌子上带来了不同的观点,他们更准确地反映了社会和市场,并且可以利用其独特的能力来完成更好的事情。因此,通过消除所有人的偏见来取消雇主来解开这一潜力selection and evaluation procedures, by refraining from问非法面试问题并通过培训员工互相尊重和客观地对待。

我们编写了一个指南,并提供了其他想法,可以帮助您公平雇用和管理员工。你也可以使用这个样本平等机会雇主政策to set up your own EEO guidelines. There might not be a law that explicitly obliges you to train your teams against bias or to write down anti-discriminatory policies, but there’s a moral and business incentive that drives you towards that direction, into being a真的平等雇主。

Frequently asked questions


An equal opportunity employer is an organization that agrees not to discriminate against any employee or job applicant because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, physical or mental disability, or age.

Is everyone an equal opportunity employer?



Another example of an equal opportunity employment issue is wages. Paying someone less because of discrimination is unacceptable. If someone is doing the same work just as well as another staff member, they should be getting paid the same for that work. That's regardless of gender, age, and other factors.

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